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Monday, September 15, 2008

Creation of Human Being by God in the Perspective of The Holy Quran

In the highest stage of Creation God created man and gave him the sense of selfhood and individually knows as soul (Nafs). Over and above, the Gracious God thought man to speak the sense of selfhood and endowed him with intelligence, thoughts and ideas, memory, creative abilities, the power of reasoning and judgment and acquiring knowledge et. all these facilities and attributes having been expressed in Arabic by the single word Aqa (wisdom). The acquired knowledge and wisdom help man to grow in him a still higher faculty called the conscience (Qalb). The conscience gives man the sense of ethics, abilities to differentiate between good and bad, between moral and immoral etc. It is the soul and its attributes like wisdom (Aqal) and conscience (Qalb) that differentiate man from all other animals.

God says:

And everything we have created in pairs, that they may reflect- Surah Al – zariyat: 49

Verily in every creation we see the pairs. In atoms we find pairs of protons and electrons. In animal kingdom we see male and female. In reproductive units of animal including man, we see pairs of sperms and ovums, in sperms and ovums we see the pairs of chromosomes, in chromosomes we see pairs of genes, then we find pairs of RNAs and DNAs, and so on till it goes upto electrons and protons.

So the process of creation of man is as follows:-

God’s Will.... Energy....Electrons and protons....Atoms....Molecules and elements....Physical body + Life + Soul (Sense of selfhood) + Qalb (wisdom and knowledge) + Divine Soul = Man

This is man’s first journey away from Allah and after death starts his return journey towards Allah. In his first journey he started from Allah and ended in getting the Ruh. Hence his return journey will start from departing of Ruh and Soul first, followed by life and tracking back the same route as it traveled in its first forward journey it ultimately returns to God.

In this return journey the Ruh and Soul, which came last of all, now goes first, when doctors call it the clinical death.

In this connection the Almighty God says: -

-God takes away the soul of human beings (first) at the time of their death-Al-zumar:42

-Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return – Al- Baqarah :156

-And if you die or be slain, surely unto Allah shall you be gathered together- Al- Imran: 158

“ The man who commits suicide must commits hell. He will be causing to bite himself in the hell for this”- said Prophet Muhammed (sm).

According to Abu Huraira (Rah), “ A man of Muslim participated in the Khaibar Battle with Prophet Muhammed (sm). Muhammed predicted that, that Muslim would be a partner of perdition and he must fell himself in the Hell. Then the battle started.-That man became wounded in the chest by fighting with the last stage of life. Then the prophet was known that he had been Martyr. Again Muhammed (sm) said that he had been in the hell. After sometimes, it was known that the man wanted to die quickly as he was unable to endure the pain. He himself pushed the handle of the sword on the soil and also pushed the remaining part to his chest. He ruined himself like this”(The Bukhari & The Muslim).

Moreover, Death will come in a particular moment of time. So, man will have to pray to Allah in that period and he must not desire for Death. Muhammed (sm) said, “ Man will have to say, ‘ O God! let me live on earth for that period of time which is auspicious for me and then give me that certain death.’ And for that, he who will be pious will get more time to do and otherwise man will get more time to come back with Towbah.”

So, we see that in a good number of Ayats God has told us that to Him in our return. But for non-believers it was almost an absurd thing, that man after death and their bodies and bones decomposed will return to God. They said, “ Who can give life to the bones when these are (completely) decayed.”( Ya-sin : 78)

In reply God said, “ He Who created them the first time (from nothing) will give them life (once again) and He knows every kind of creation full well” ( Ya-sin : 79).

And they said, “ When we shall have become bone and dust particles, shall we be really raised up as a new creation? Say (in reply), “ Be you stones or a created matter of any kind which appears hardest in your minds (even then shall you be raised up)?.Then again they will ask, “ Who shall give us Life?” In reply tell them “ He Who created you for the first time.” (Bane Israil : 49-51)

Now let us try to find the mystery of creation of a human being biologically. Towards that end, this writing aims to initiate some thoughts.

How a baby is created in the womb of a woman was triumphed early in 19th century A.D. and about 150 years after discovery of sperms. It was Von-Baer, who in 1827 discovered the oocyte in the ovarian follicule of a dog. He also observed the division of zygote in the uterine tube, and formation of a leech like clinging mass called blastocyst and its implantation into the uterus and finally the growth of an embryo. Thus Von-Baer discovered the truth revealed in the Holy Quran, which says: Read (and ponder, o,Muhammed) in the name of your Lord, Who created (everything in universe, and) created man from a leech like clinging mass that is implanted (into the uterus)- Al-Alaq : 12)

The 21st century embryologists have since gone far ahead to give us in detail. For better understanding of creation of a human being, a review of some basic facts about biological mechanism of fertilization, conception and implantation is relevant at this point in my discussion.