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Saturday, September 13, 2008

CCP Validation Draft in shrimp & fish processing

CCP Validation Draft in Shrimp & Fish Processing

Validation is the process of ensuring the set limits control the hazard. Validation of CCP is obtaining confirmation that the elements of the CCP system are effective in controlling biological, chemical, and physical hazards

Annual Validation of CCP

Date Conducted:
Conducted By : HACCP Team /Food Safety Team

Objectives of CCP Validation:

-to review each CCP (including validation studies such as microbiological sampling, challenge studies and process validation) to ensure that it continues to control the identified hazard(s).
-to evaluate critical limits to ensure that they meet current program and regulatory requirements.
-to review the monitoring, deviation and verification procedures for each CCP, in order to ensure that they continue to be implemented effectively.

CCP Validation Checklist

Topic Yes/ No If "No," Describe Food Safety Implication?

Do the CCPs control the hazards?
Are the CCP critical limits adequate?
Do monitoring methods and frequency demonstrate control?
Do corrective actions properly address affected product and correct deviations?
Does validation include review of consumer complaints?

CCP-1 & CCP-2
CCP-1 is Sulphite and CCP-2 is Drug residue such as chloramphenicol, nitrofurans, tetracycline, malachite green, lueco-malachite green, oxolinic acid, crystal violet fluroquinolones/quinolones and heavy metals (e.g. Pb, Hg, Cd, As). Sulphite has been associated with acute causes of food borne illness. Sulphites are banned/not accepted by various buyers, customers and regulatory bodies & hence the critical limit is absence. Drug residue can cause anemia and stomatitis with humans and lead fast to resistance formation. Antibody is carcinogenic for human being. So the products should be free from any kind of antibiotic.

The Critical Limit Validated for CCP 1 & CCP 2

CCP Critical Limit as per EU, USFDA & BAP Regulation

CCP 1 Sulphite Absent

Chloramphenicol 0.2 ppb
Ciprofloxacin 1.0 ppb
Flumequine 1.0 ppb
Sarafloxacin 1.0 ppb
Nitrofuran metabolites 1.0 ppb
Oxolinic acid 0.02 ppb
Malachite green & lueco malachite green 1.0 ppb
Crystal violet 1.0 ppb
Tetracycline 100.0 ppb
Heavy meals
Pb 0.5 ppb
Hg 0.5 ppb
Cd 0.02 ppb
As 1.0 ppb


CCP 3 is cooking. Cooking will destroy the pathogen growth. Improper cooking will allow survival of pathogens. Standard core temperature for blanching is 70°- 72°C according to BDS, FI&QC & FDA guidelines. The process of proving that the internal temperature reaching 70°- 72°C killed E.coli and other pathogenic bacteria of concern in the product. L. monocytogenes is a bacterium that can cause consumer illness. It is the most heat resistant vegetative pathogen, and it is found throughout the seafood plant-processing environment. The FDA has established a zero defect action level (<1 CFU/25g) for L. monocytogenes in ready to eat fish or shellfish products. No detectable L. monocytogenes are allowed in ready to eat or fully cooked shrimp products. A validation study was conducted on a case-by-case basis. Thermocouples (a type of temperature sensor), were positioned in and amongst the shrimps at different locations in the steam cooker. These thermocouples measure the internal shrimp temperatures as well as the steam cooker’s temperatures achieved over the entire time of the cooking process. The results are used to determine the adequacy of the cooking process for destroying L. monocytogenes. This requirement was done for the validation study of CCP- Cooking.

As the Company process cooked frozen product, the HACCP team validated that all equipments are capable of cooking the product evenly and consistently. As we are cooking shrimps through a steam cooker, we have to validate that the shrimps coming out of the steam cooker have a consistent temperature across the steam cooker. If the cooker has a cold spot, then product testing would have to be completed where the cold spot exists to ensure that all products reach the required temperature.


CCP 4 is Metal Fragments. FDA recommends several possible ways to establish control measures for metal fragments in juice. One way involves the use of on-line metal detection equipment. With this method, the equipment continuously monitors the product after the last step at which metal inclusion is reasonably likely to occur at a process step designated for metal detection. Metal fragments can cause injury to the consumer. Metal in food may cause traumatic injury including laceration and perforation of tissues of the mouth, tongue, throat, stomach and intestine as well as damage to the teeth and gums. The FDA, 2001b board found that metal fragments that are more than 5 mm in dimension cause trauma or serious injury risks groups such as infants, surgery patients and the elderly. The scientific and clinical literature supports this conclusion.

The critical limit validated for CCP- Metal Fragments:

Fe- : 3.5 mm
Non Fe : 4.0 mm
SS Fe : 4.0 mm

Validation was conducted by the Establishment of it's CCP(s) to confirm adequacy in controlling the food safety hazards identified during the hazard analysis, verification that the plan(s) are being effectively implemented and the documentation is available for review