Blog Archive

Sunday, September 28, 2008

World famous Sculptors

Painting by writing

How to sleep at office

Just Friend Vs Best Friends

A just friend says.....hi, hello....., bye........ and walks anyway.....
A best friend always stop by your side and asks how are you doing??

A just friend has never seen you cry.
A best friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

A just friend thinks the friendship is over, when you have an argument.
A best friend knows that it’s not a friendship, until after you’ve had a fight.

A just friend hates it when you call, after he has gone to bed.
A best friend asks you.......why you took so long to call.

A just friend, when visiting, asks like a guest.
A best friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.

A just friend jealous about your romantic history.
A best friend wonders of your love story.

A just friend expects you to be always there for any help.
A best friend is always there, wherever you require any help.

A just friend doesn’t have time in his/her busy schedule.
A best friend always have time for you in his/her busy schedules.

A just friend phones you whenever he/she has some work.
A best friend calls you just to hear your voice.

A just friend doesn’t have anything to talk to you on phone.
A best friend doesn’t know .......what all to finish.

How China gets gold medals

It because of their true commitment and dedication towards sports

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hiroshima & Nagasaki ( August 6, 1945 to Now)

Scientists say-you should better avoid energy drinks

According to the findings of a new study published in the Sept. 20 issue of the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, the super-caffeinated energy drinks can trigger caffeine intoxication. "The caffeine content of energy drinks varies over a 10-fold range, with some containing the equivalent of 14 cans of Coca-Cola, yet the caffeine amounts are unlabeled and few include warnings about potential health risks of caffeine intoxication," said one of the authors of the study, Roland Griffiths of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland.Caffeine intoxication is clinically considered a syndrome. It is currently defined by a number of symptoms and clinical features that surface in response to recent excessive consumption of caffeine. Common features of caffeine intoxication include excitement, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, restlessness, tremors, insomnia, rambling flow of thought and speech or periods of inexhaustibility. In rare cases, caffeine intoxication can lead to death.The caffeine content of energy drinks can vary from can to can, from 50 milligrams to more than 500 milligrams per serving, whereas a normal 12-ounce cola drink has approximately 35 mg of caffeine per serving and a 6-ounce cup of brewed coffee has 80 to 150 milligrams of the stimulant drug per serving. On the word of one drink-company manufacturer, the energy drinks can be a harmless substitute to drug abuse for youngsters. “We say, ‘Do the drink, not the drug,''' stated Raymond Herrera, Partner and world wide marketing director of Redux Beverages. “You do the drug you are dumb. If you do the drink you are cool.''

CO2 emission is increasing day by day

Due to various human activities CO2 is accumulated in the earth’s atmosphere, resulting in climatic change global warming. Rising temperature expands the ocean volume in two ways- firstly, it melts mass volume of ice of the polar region and secondly, it causes thermal expansion of water of the ocean. These two factors increase volume of ocean water of the earth and cause sea level rise. U.S. and European researchers said carbon dioxide emissions are growing faster, despite efforts to curb the release of CO2. The Global Carbon Project said anthropogenic CO2 emissions have been growing about four times faster since 2000 than during the previous decade. Carbon released from burning fossil fuels and producing cement increased 2.9 percent in 2007 to 8.47 gigatons, The Washington Post (NYSE:WPO) said. Deforestation in tropical countries has added an estimated 1.5 billion tons of emissions to the atmosphere, the report said."This new update of the carbon budget shows the acceleration of both CO2 emissions and atmospheric accumulation are unprecedented and most astonishing during a decade of intense international developments to address climate change," Pep Canadell, executive director of the Global Carbon Project, said Thursday in a statement.

Fauna and flora in Bay of Bengal

The Bay of Bengal is termed as the gold mine of fisheries resources. The BOB is a potential source of pelagic demarsal fishes and shellfishes. From the FAO survey report (1993, 1968, 1972) it was well known that 475 spp of fishes belonging to 138 families existed in the BoB.

Some commercially important pelagic fishes are herring (Hilsa ilisha), pomfret (Stomateus chinensis, Pampus argentus), tuna (Euthynus affinus), sardin (Sardinella fimbriata), ribbion fish (Trichiurus spp), bombay duck (Harpodon neherius), salmon (Polynemus indicus), Sea bass (Lates calcarifer) and jew fish (Johnius argenteus).

Besides 32 species of shrimps have been reported and standing stock of shrimps of BoB is 90,000 tons/year. Common species of shrimps are Penaeus monodon, P. indicus, P. merguiensis and Metapenaeus monoceros.

Moreover, dozen of species of crabs have been identified from the littoral system of BoB out of which Scylla serrata, Portunus pelagicus and P. sanguinolentus are commercially important.

Half dozen of lobsters have been identified. Among them Panulirus polyphagus (mud spiny lobster), Panulirus versicolor and Panulirus ornatus (Painted spiny lobster) are dominant.

Among cephalopods total species available 10 (Squids 7, Cuttle fish 2 and Octopus 1). Cuttle fish (Sepia officinalis), Squid (Loligo spp) and Octopus (Octopus lentus) are dominant species in the BoB.

Total available species of bivalves and gastropods are 50. Some commercial important species are Babilonia spp, Ostrea spp, Tonna spp, Oliva spp, Cypraea spp, Lambis spp, Umbonium spp, Mytilus spp, Placenta placenta, Crassostrea spp and Perna spp.

5 species of turtles are found among the St. Martin Island. But only green turtle Chelania mydas and Caretta caretta are to be significant.

Two species of crocodiles are found in BoB such as Crocodiles porosus and Crocodiles palustris.

Total marine algae species 165. Some important marine algae are Laminaria spp, Hypnea spp, Halimeda spp, Sargassum spp, Padina spp, Gelidium spp, Dictyota spp, Gracilaria spp, Caulerpa spp and Ulva spp.

Dr. Nurul Islam (1976) reported 160 species of phytoplankton from the BoB. Among them some species are Skeletonema, Ceracium, Coscinodiscus, Diatom, Nevicula, Dinoflagellates etc. Besides this BoB contains large amount of zooplankton including Sagitta, Syclops, Copepods, Dophnia etc. which are good for shrimp and fishes in both larval and adult stage. Average primary productivity during SW monsoon 1.06 gc/m3/day. Average primary productivity during NE monsoon 0.21 gc/m3/day.

Haidar and Mahmud (1992) described 13 genera of corals under 6 families from the water ground of St. Martin Island. Some commercial important species are Styliphora, Asteropora, Acropora, Goniastrea, Monastrea, Favia, Favites, Porites and Porona.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Effect of cell phone radiation

Cell phone use has been a subject of controversy for years with many researchers blaming cell phone radiation for an increased risk of brain tumor or salivary gland cancer, for low motility of sperm or for behavioral problems in children whose mothers used cell phones in excess while pregnant.
Studies have poured for years but with no clear connection between cell phone radiation and negative effects on human body. But the situation is not new. It took 50 years for tobacco companies to admit that there is a clear connection between smoking and lung cancer, with many people dying meanwhile. It could be the same situation in the case of cell phone use, David Carpenter, director of the Institute of Health and Environment at the University of Albany, said in testimony before a subcommittee of the US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform.

Six babies after a set of twin daughters

This is a rare event ....having six babies after a set of twin daughters ..the babies are so cute......The six babies are three years old now.

First Person flied with a single jet propelled wing

A swiss man pilot Yves Rossy landed safely after the 22-mile (35.4 km) flight from Calais to Dover, which had been twice postponed this week because of bad weather.The former military pilot took less than 10 minutes to complete the crossing and parachute to the ground.The 49-year-old flew on a plane to more than 8,200ft (2,500m), ignited jets on a wing on his back, and jumped out. Mr Rossy had hoped to reach speeds of 125mph.It felt "great, really great", said Mr Rossy: "I only have one word, thank you, to all the people who did it with me."He said weather conditions on Friday had been perfect and his success signalled "big potential" for people to fly "a little bit like a bird" in the future. Known as "Fusionman," he was aiming to follow the route taken by French airman Louis Blériot 99 years ago when he became the first person to fly across the English Channel in a plane.In an interview earlier this week, he said: "If I calculate everything right, I will land in Dover. But if I get it wrong, I take a bath."The stunt was broadcast live for the National Geographic Channel. Its producer, Kathryn Liptrott, told the BBC Mr Rossy was fearless."When we've talked to him and asked him are you worried about risk his quote consistently is: I'm not worried about risk, I manage risk."He flew Mirage fighters for the Swiss army, he now flies an Airbus. And in his sort of heart he's a pilot and a parachutist and what they do is manage risk. He won't fly if he doesn't think that he will arrive in Dover."The longest flight he had previously taken lasted 10 minutes.The wing had no rudder or tail fin, so Mr Rossy had to steer it using his head and back.As well as a helmet and parachute, he wore a special suit to protect him from the four kerosene-burning turbines mounted just centimetres from him on the wing.

You should not pump full of petrol

Many of us are not aware that the petrol kiosk pump has a return pipe (in pink). When the petrol tank (in the car) reaches full level, there is a mechanism to trigger off the pump lat6ch and at the same time a return- valve is opened (at the top of pump station) to allow the excess petrol to flow back in the pump. But the return petrol has already passed through the petrol meter, meaning your car donating the petrol back to SHELL/CALTEX/MOBIL/PETRONAS

Mission of Chinese spacewalk in Orbit

China's three-man spacecraft shifted from an oval orbit to a more stable circular orbit 213 miles above Earth on Friday in preparation for the country's first attempt at a spacewalk. The spacewalk is scheduled to take place at about Saturday afternoon, although the exact timing depends on the readiness of equipment and personnel, said Wang Zhaoyao, deputy director of China's manned space program office. The event will be broadcast live on television, he said."This is China's first attempt (at a spacewalk) so there are a lot of uncertainties," Wang said.He said the three astronauts were assembling and testing their space suits in preparation for the spacewalk, which is to last about 20 minutes.The Shenzhou 7 mission, China's third manned space voyage, blasted into space atop a Long March 2F rocket on Thursday.The launch was broadcast live on state television in a display of China's growing confidence in its space program. Shortly before the feed ended, one of the crew reported that they were all well and had extended the craft's solar panels.The launch dominated front pages of the entirely state-controlled media, largely supplanting coverage of China's continuing scandal involving contaminated milk.The Communist Party's flagship newspaper People's Daily showed President Hu Jintao waving to the astronauts before the launch and congratulating staff at mission control after liftoff.Such coverage underscores the weighty role of politics and patriotism in the space program, officially presented as an illustration of China's rising technological might and global influence.The official Xinhua News Agency said the astronauts executed a 64-second engine burn to shift the spaceship from an oval-shaped orbit into a round one, meaning it was circling Earth at a constant distance.The change in orbit ensures Earth's gravitational pull will not vary during the spacewalk attempt, and will allow for smooth operation of the ship's instruments, the agency said.A round orbit will also help Shenzhou make a precise landing on the Inner Mongolian Steppe on Sunday after its re-entry vehicle bursts through Earth's atmosphere, Xinhua said.The mission is devoted almost entirely to the execution of the spacewalk, a key step in mastering techniques for docking two orbiters to create China's first orbiting space station.The two astronauts who will don space suits for the spacewalk will be supported by Russian experts throughout the mission. Only one will actually leave the orbiter module to retrieve scientific experiments placed outside, described by Xinhua as solid lubricant samples. They will then release an 88-pound satellite which will circle the orbiter and send back images.Shenzhou 7 commander Zhai Zhigang is touted as most likely to carry out the spacewalk. All three astronauts are 42-year-old fighter pilots with more than 1,000 hours of flying time.China's last manned mission, Shenzhou 6, came in 2005, two years after the country first put a person into orbit.The chief designer of the Shenzhou spacecraft said Friday that China's space program would speed up production of the next generation of Shenzhou craft, indicating that the country's 16-year-old manned spaceflight program was gathering pace.Zhang Bainan offered no numbers, but said the spacecraft would be used to transport astronauts and cargo to a future Chinese space station. Zhang said other countries might be offered space on the craft.
Ramped-up production of the three-module Shenzhou, based loosely on Russia's Soyuz capsule, also points to a need for more astronauts beyond the 14-member corps now trained.
To meet the demand, a new round of astronaut selection will be held using revised standards following completion of this year's mission, Chen Shanguang, director of the China Astronaut Research and Training Center, was quoted as saying by the Communist Party's China Youth Daily newspaper.
Officials are drafting specific criteria for female astronauts, although no schedule for recruitment has been set, China's first astronaut, Yang Liwei, now Chen's deputy, was quoted as saying.
"Many standards have already been set and there has been strong support from society as a whole," Yang said.

Some pictures of my varsity life

Possible Response to Sea Level Rise

Each country will have to face the crucial effects of sea level rise. Any country in the world cannot overcome this problem overnight. So, global communities are paying their attention to minimize the impacts of sea level rise by two options, mitigation and adaptation.

Sea level rise adaptation can be addressed by changes in policies that lessen pressure on resources, improve management of environmental risks, and enhance adaptive capacity. As most of the population of the coastal communities of a developing country is fishermen and farmers, the adaptation options should be emphasized on these two sectors to overcome anticipated issues. The investment should be used for disaster preparation activities, special weather forecasting and research for the coastal communities. The fishermen should be updated about the disaster and their duties to minimize the potential loss by the event. A disaster calendar should be prepared for the community, so that they can have a safe plan for fish farming. A disaster calendar that considers disaster intense time, disaster prone zone and salinity will help the fisher community to have a safe production and also safe harvest. Participatory communities fund is another option that will hence the fishermen’s capacities. The concept of micro-savings can be used for the participatory community fund in the area. Effect research can find out salinity tolerant species for the coastal fisheries sector. Species selection should be done for low, moderate and high saline environment for proper breeding, cultivation and harvesting. For example, cage cultivation can be introduced in coastal areas. Penaeus monodon is very sensitive to salinity and its required salinity for maximum growth is 15-25 ppt. On the other hand, Indian White Shrimp (P. indicus) (upto 42 ppt) and White Shrimp (P. vannamei) (0.5-45 ppt) are more flexible in terms of salinity tolerance. Also, exotic species cultivation should be initiated more due to sea level rise. Salinity tolerant species like Al. lebbek can be introduced in agriculture. Again, money invested in fisheries sector can be used for artificial mangrove forestation. Mangroves provide breeding ground for shrimp, increasing the number of natural shrimp larvae. The species Heritiera fomes, Sonnarata apetate and Avicenia officinalis are sensitive for mangrove afforestation in the coastal zone. Combined harvest in the polyculture pond with tiger shrimp, milkfish (Chanos chanos) and mullet (Mugil Chephalus) is higher than that of the highest producing monoculture shrimp pond. By practicing pearl culture, people can earn money by selling surplus products, which can be used to adapt with other sea level rise impacts.
Tourism infrastructures should be protected by polder and where polder constructor is not feasible from environment point of view, it should be relocated. Existing salt mills that are close to the coastline should be relocated towards landward parts of the country. People should be motivated and trained to do area specific business, suitable for the areas. Coastal people should be provided with small scale soft loans interest rate to operate their specific livelihood activities. Coastal people should be motivated to detect the presence of germs of Cholera diseases. They should be trained to make oral saline at home, simply using salt, sugar and clean water. For clean water, one option may be filtration, using indigenous knowledge. Filtration process is very easy to develop and people can make it using sand and soil made pitcher and charcol.

There is a renowned proverb in medical science that ‘Prevention is better than cure’. Emission control is the prevention of climate change and sea level rise. IPCC indicates the main green house gas emission reduction measures which are- demand reduction and/or efficiency improvement, substitution among fossil fuels, switch to nuclear energy, switch to biomass, switch to other renewable, CO2 scrubbing and removal and afforestation. Excessive population growth diffuses the fruits of developing over increasing numbers instead of improving living standards in many developing countries. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) driven motor vehicles should be introduces allover the country to minimize greenhouse gas emission. Favorable natural condition like sufficient sunshine and wind-speed exist for promotion of renewable energy in the country. An extensive afforestation programme in the coastal zone will increase the forest cover and act as carbon sink. Mangrove plantation in the zone will be good mean of coastal protection against cyclones, storm surges and soil erosion.

Modern Fishing Techniques all over the World

In recent times with the advancement of science, a number of fishing techniques, which rely on physico-chemical stimulation such as light, electricity, sound etc. have been innovated. Some of the modern fishing techniques have been described below.


Echo-sounder is useful for the detection of fishing school particularly pelagic fishes. Generally two types of echo-sounder are used- low frequency echo sounder emits waves of 15-20 KHZ. It is used to detect the fish school. High frequency echo-sounder emits waves of 200 KHZ. It is used to examine the fish school more closely. The components of echo-sounder are transmitter, transducer, receiver and recorder.

Sonar technique

Sonar technique is based on the principle of the echo sounder but it performs horizontal sounding for detecting fish school. The technique is useful for purpose seining. It covers a much wide area of fish school.

Net Sonde Technique

It is a special acoustic instrument to measure the fishing depth and opening of the trawl. The catch of the trawl and the distribution of fish around the trawl can be observed at a time.

Fish finder technique

It gives a view of fish school under water. An infrared transmitter is lowered from the ship to a certain depth. The intensity of emission reaching the water surface is constantly watched by an infrared telescope from the ship. Any fish school passing across the emission line, reduce the intensity of emission near the water.

Pye fish finder

It is an electronic echo-sounder found in deep water trawling.

Electric fishing

Direct electric current pass through water. In this method fish became paralised and are ultimately caught in the net. It is extremely used in demarsal fishing like shrimp, lobster, tuna, big shark etc.

Fishing by pump

In this method, fish are captured by sucking them through a wide hose pipe. Fish are attached by light or electricity. This method is used commercially in the Caspean Sea for Chepeonella spp.

Fishing by light

In this In this method light is used to attract fish towards the net and then caught.

Satellite fishing

Satellite can also be employed for the collection of temporary fishing grounds.

Remote Sensing

Remote sensing involves obtaining and analysing pictures and other data for a distance, usually from aeroplanes or from satellites. By this technique, information about the characteristics of aquatic media like food chain, photosynthesis, productivity and even nutrient distribution can be obtained.

Night vision TV camera

This is a highly specialized techniques and an expensive one. Light air craft carrying a night vision TV camera flies near the water surface. In this method, night vision camera is used to monitor fish school at night from air craft.

Laser beam

In this method, highly controlled laser beams are directed towards the sea from low flying aircraft. Reflection from the water surface and the sea bed are detected by a sensor. Weaker reflections created from the fish schools are detected.

Traceability: Standards and legal requirements

There has always been a degree of traceability within the food processing industry, with individual companies able to identify both their suppliers and customers. In recent years however the role of traceability in the control and safety of food has been identified as requiring greater transparency and regulation. This has been achieved by the development of international standards, industry guidance and legislation.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), was formed under the joint sponsorship of the United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO) and Food & agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1962, to develop international standards for food safety. The main purpose of the CAC is to protect the health of the consumer and ensure fair trade practices by developing standards based on sound scientific evidence. The World Trade Organization (WTO) has designated CAC the organization with the responsibility for setting trade disputes relating to food, specially as they relate to the Codex standards of Application of Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT).

General Standard for Pre-packed Food (GSPPS)-

¨ The country of origin of the food shall be declared if its omission would mislead or
deceive the consumer.
¨ When a food undergoes processing in a second country which changes its nature, the
country in which the processing is performed shall be considered to be the country of
origin for the purpose of labeling.

The details of the product being certified should be clearly documented on the certificate which should at least contain the following information.

¨ Nature of the food
¨ Name of the product
¨ Quantity, in appropriate units
¨ Lot identifier or date coding
¨ Identity and, as appropriate the location of production establishment
¨ Name and contact details of importer or consignor
¨ Country of dispatch
¨ Country of destination

Demonstrating traceability through the records

In order to trace information relating to a specific product in a paper based traceability system it is necessary to firstly identify the “batch identity code” of the final product, which should be clearly indicated on the product label.

Using the batch identity code, individual processing records are then consulted to determine the process history. This can be time consuming since processing records are usually stored in date order and a particular product may have been within the factory for more than one day. There is, however, a problem in that processing records are used for other purposes besides traceability, e.g. HACCP, yields, equipment performance etc. where records are required to be ordered by time/date, meaning that the information needs to be ordered twice, therefore doubling the amount of time completing records within the factory.

Tracing the product through the supply chain

The supply or processing chain is defined as the entire sequence of events that occur from the moment raw material is obtained until the product is consumed. This is often termed “net to plate” approach. In order for traceability to be effective information gathered by an individual company within the supply chain must be shared with others also in the supply chain.The exchange of information operates in parallel with the product through the supply chain. The need for a parallel system of data transfer is because the nature and amount of information linked to a product far exceeds the capacity of either product labels or bar codes.

Verification of Traceability

From the product identification code, or alternatively a bar code on the retail label, it should be possible to trace back through the records of each company in the supply chain. At each link the source and (original) identity of all raw materials s well as the entire product processing/transport/storage history can be traced. In addition to validating its own traceability system (termed 1st party audit) the system may also be validated by external auditors. It is important that such verification of traceability is managed systematically and efficiently. There are many approaches that can be taken to verifying traceability and the following is one example based on “How to Audit”. The management of an audit is divided into the following steps-

¨ Planning and preparation
¨ Conducting the audit
¨ Analysing the results
¨ Agreeing Corrective Actions
¨ Verifying effective compeletion

Demonstrating the importance of traceability

In January, 2002 officials at the German Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Protection were investigating a report from their Dutch counterparts that shrimp containing the banned antibiotic Chloramphenicol, had been mistakenly exported to a German animal feed manufacturer and had the potential to enter the human food chain.

Chloramohenicol is a powerful antibiotic which restricted use to combat serious infections such as typhoid and anthrax but it is banned from all food products because of a risk that it may cause a potentially lethal form of anaemia. In normal shrimp production, the use of antibiotics is common practice to ensure disease free maximal growth of shrimp at high stocking densities. However, before harvest there is normally a period (10-30 days) where antibiotics are not used. All traces of antibiotic residues are naturally eliminated from the shrimp by being metabolized to harmless products. Over the next few weeks using records that enabled traceability it was found that a Dutch company had imported 27.5 tons of shrimps containing the powerful antibiotic. They had been imoorted into the Netherlands from the Far East. This consignment was tested at the port of entry to the EU and found to contain Chloramphenicol. The normal procedures of either returning the product to the supplier (over 200 tons of frozen peeled shrimps were returned to China in 2001) or destruction and removal from the food chain by incineration were not followed. Due to procedural errors, the shrimp became part of a consignment of 188 tons of fish scraps shipped to a feed marker in the German state of Lower Saxony in November and early December 2001. The shrimp waste was then distributed to six animal feed producers in Germany and three other companies- one each in Denmark, Poland and Romania. The authorities in each of these countries were investigating the records of each to establish whether the contaminated material had been processed into animal feed and entered the human food chain.

Fortunately, recent food scares concerning bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the cattle industry had resulted in the implementation of good standards of record keeping and traceability of both raw materials and final products being implemented throughout the EU. This enabled the rapid identification of how the contaminated shrimp had passed through the food chain. Apart from 4 tons of the potentially contaminated fishmeal that had been sold to Danish farmers and had probably been consumed before the problem was identified, the entire contaminated product was identified and prevented from entering the food chain.

This food scare was caused by an error in the procedures employed at the seafood processing company. Although it cost individual companies and Government time and money, it demonstrates how a traceability system can safeguard the consumer. The effects of this incident were widespread, with the EU placing a ban on all shrimp imports from China that resulted in much potential discussion that only just averted a wider scale trade dispute. The example also demonstrates how integrated the food industry has become with the waste of one sector becoming the raw material for another, which makes the supply chain even more complicated and the need for adequate traceability more important.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Western U.S. faces global warning more

The world –wide emission of CO2 is increasing rapidly. The city of Mexico, New York, Bombay, Kolkkata, Dhaka, Lahore, Korachi and London have already crossed the limit. The two latest contributions to current CO2 emissions are the world’s thousands of coal-burning power and industrial plants and more than 700 million gasoline-burning motor vehicles (555 million of them cars). Emission of CO2 from U.S. coal-burning power and industrial plants alone exceeded the combined CO2 emissions of 146 nations, which contain 75% of the world’s people. The American West is heating up faster than any other region of the United States, and more than the Earth as a whole, according to a new analysis of 50 scientific studies.For the last five years, from 2003 through 2007, the global climate averaged 1 degree Fahrenheit warmer than its 20th century average.During the same period, 11 Western states averaged 1.7 degrees warmer, the analysis reported.The 54-page study, was released Thursday by the Rocky Mountain Climate Organization -- a coalition of local governments, businesses and nonprofits. It was based largely on calculations by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. According to NASA, 2007 dialogue, the developing countries, representing nearly three-quarters of the world population, are responsible for less than one-quarter of the fossil-fuel CO2 emission. The OECD countries, with about 15% of the world population, account for around 44% of the total emission. One country, the USA, is solely responsible for 23% of the total yearly fossil-fuel CO2 emission to the atmosphere. The consequences of Western temperature increases, the report said, are evident in a rash of heat waves. Montana, Idaho and Wyoming had their hottest Julys on record last summer, while Phoenix suffered 31 days above 110 degrees.

Sun Produces less solar wind

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) scientists announced yesterday, September, 23 that The sun has reduced its output of solar wind to the lowest level since readings became available.

JPL researcher Dave McComas, citing data from the Ulysses spacecraft, a joint NASA-European space agency mission said"With the solar wind at an all-time low, there is an excellent chance the heliosphere will diminish in size and strength,"

In this graphic illustration released by NASA to Reuters Sept. 23, 2008, the heliosphere that is created by solar winds is depicted as a bubble surrounding the solar system. Measurements from the spacecraft Ulysses show the wind's pressure has dropped 20 percent since the mid-1990s. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

"If that occurs, more galactic cosmic rays will make it into the inner part of our solar system," said McComas, principal investigator of Ulysses solar wind instrument. "The sun's million mile-per-hour solar wind inflates a protective bubble around the solar system. It influences how things work here on earth and even out at the boundary of our solar system," McComas said.

In this graphic illustration released by NASA to Reuters Sept. 23, 2008, the heliosphere that is created by solar winds is depicted as a bubble surrounding the solar system. Measurements from the spacecraft Ulysses show the wind's pressure has dropped 20 percent since the mid-1990s. As the solar wind weakens, the heliosphere is expected to dwindle in size and strength as well, allowing more cosmic radiation -- super high-energy electrons and protons zipping through interstellar space -- to reach the inner solar system. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

The sun's solar wind plasma is a stream of charged particles ejected from the sun's upper atmosphere. The solar wind interacts with every planet in our solar system, and it also defines the border between our solar system and interstellar space.

Big Bang Collider will not restart until spring next

The Large Hadron Collider is built to speed the subatomic particles called protons to nearly the speed of light and then smash them together in search of new forms of matter and energy that cannot be produced in smaller machines. Two weeks ago, the center for nuclear research, which is outside Geneva, sent the first beams of protons around the machine’s 17-mile-long underground racetrack. But last Friday the machine was shut down after an electrical connection between two of the superconducting electromagnets that steer the protons suffered a so-called quench, heating up, melting and leaking helium into the collider tunnel. Liquid helium is used to cool the magnets to superconducting temperatures of only about 3.5 degrees Fahrenheit above absolute zero. Stray heat can cause the magnets to lose their superconductivity with potentially disastrous consequences. To make repairs, it will be necessary to warm the magnets up and then cool them back down again, which takes at least two months, engineers say. And that leaves scant time to run the collider before it has to shut down for the winter in early December to save money on electricity. Engineers at the European Center for Nuclear Research have already scheduled a series of tests and other activities intended to bring the collider up to its full potential of delivering protons with energies of 7 trillion electron volts to their deaths in primordial fireballs.

In a statement released by the center’s press office, Robert Aymar, the director-general of the laboratory, acknowledged that the delay “is undoubtedly a psychological blow,” but that the success of putting the first beam through the $8 billion machine was testimony to the skill and dedication of the center’s team. “I have no doubt that we will overcome this setback with the same degree of rigor and application,” he said.

It's time to find something else to blame for all the recent strange occurrences in your life: The Large Hadron Collider, which had become a favorite culprit for everything from lost keys to lost jobs, will remain shut down until spring.

Embryonic Development with pictures

The development of the embryo is called embryogenesis. In organisms that reproduce sexually, once a sperm fertilizes an egg cell, the result is a cell called the zygote that has all the DNA of two parents. The resulting embryo derives 50 percent of its genetic makeup from each parent. In plants, animals, and some protists, the zygote will begin to divide by mitosis to produce a multicellular organism. The result of this process is an embryo. In animals, the development of the zygote into an embryo proceeds through specific recognizable stages of blastula, gastrula, and organogenesis. The blastula stage typically features a fluid-filled cavity, the blastocoel, surrounded by a sphere or sheet of cells, also called blastomeres. During gastrulation the cells of the blastula undergo coordinated processes of cell division, invasion, and/or migration to form two (diploblastic) or three (triploblastic) tissue layers. In triploblastic organisms, the three germ layers are called endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm. However, the position and arrangement of the germ layers are highly species-specific, depending on the type of embryo produced. In vertebrates, a special population of embryonic cells called the neural crest has been proposed as a "fourth germ layer", and is thought to have been an important novelty in the evolution of head structures.
During organogenesis, molecular and cellular interactions between germ layers, combined with the cells' developmental potential or competence to respond, prompt the further differentiation of organ-specific cell types.[citation needed] For example, in neurogenesis, a subpopulation of ectoderm cells is set aside to become the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Modern developmental biology is extensively probing the molecular basis for every type of organogenesis, including angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones), chondrogenesis (cartilage), myogenesis (muscle), osteogenesis (bone), and many others.
Generally, if a structure pre-dates another structure in evolutionary terms, then it often appears earlier than the other in an embryo; this general observation is sometimes summarized by the phrase "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny."[1] For example, the backbone is a common structure among all vertebrates such as fish, reptiles and mammals, and the backbone also appears as one of the earliest structures laid out in all vertebrate embryos. The cerebrum in humans, which is the most sophisticated part of the brain, develops last. This rule is not absolute, but it is recognized as being partly applicable to development of the human embryo.